10 Sep 2018 Abstract call for Winter Meeting
The RCPsych in Wales is now accepting Poster abstract submissions. Here is the abstract guidance document for those wishing to submit a poster to this years event.
Poster Submissions — new research ideas, research findings, clinical innovations, audits or literature reviews. Posters will be grouped by theme in order to facilitate discussion. Submissions must state whether the author is a trainee.
The deadline for submissions is Friday 19 October 2018
Submissions will not be accepted after this date.
Instructions on the preparation of abstracts:
1. Abstracts should be typed single spaced, font size 11, Verdana in WORD 6/97 format using standard text, or text-only format. Apple Mac documents cannot be accepted. Please do not apply any formatting.
2. The title should be in bold, followed by full name(s) of the author and all co-authors, including titles (e.g. Dr) and their affiliations e.g. Severe Personality Disorders Patients Dr Andrew Brown and Dr Beverly Jones, Riverview Mental Health Service, Betsi Cadwaladr UHB ; Mrs Wendy Jones, the Nightingale Centre, Sussex.
3. Handwritten abstracts will not be accepted
4. The title must not contain any abbreviations.
5. The abstract must be no longer than 300 words (NB: The title./authors will not be included in the word count)
6. The abstract should present in order; the aims, methods, results and comments or conclusions. If no information is given in the abstract about the results of the study, the authors must include a covering letter of explanation with their submission.
7. Bibliographic references, tables and appendices must not be included in the abstract
8. Spelling, consistency (including capitalisation) and punctuation will receive attention, where possible from the RCPsych in Wales.
Notes on sending abstracts:
Abstracts should be emailed to with a subject reference of ‘your surname & Joint Meeting 2018’.
The following information should be included in the covering message:
• Name of main presenting author
• College Membership number (if applicable)
• Mailing address and email address
• Daytime telephone number / fax
• Name of author’s work organisation
• Your professional status (e.g. CT1, ST6...)
• Category for scoring— Audit/new research ideas/research findings, etc.